Where to start? Well I’ll say it upfront but it was probably one of the most pleasant suprise I had during the last 6 months and I was taken with this country…
Despites a laden past (I will not write an essay on the Khmer Rouge regime), obvious insufficiencies in healthcare or lack in infrastructures, the country decided at the end of the regime to move on and to basically make a fresh night/forgive overnight , which is not something obvious when you know what the country has been through.
With a median age of 24, all those youngsters have strong ambitions for their country. The country has boasted a significant economic growth (7% est. in 2014) but there is still a lot to do.
But what amazed me the most is the kindness of the Cambodian. They are literally always smiling,
Even though my experience in Cambodia is quite limited (I spent only the WE in Siem Reap to explore Angkor Wat), I can tell that I really loved it and I wished I could stay longer but I will find my way back for sure.
Below are a few snapshots of the UNESCO World Heritage Site that is Angkor Wat. Unfortunately very touristy and not really suitable to take perfect pics but the site is highy photogenic and if you leave a little bit the beaten path, you’ll be suprise what you can see.
Hope you’ll like them. And as usual, click on the thumbnails to start the diaporama.