African Skyline

African Skyline

I was a bit reluctant at first to make a contribution solely about African sunrises and sunsets… Albeit sunset snaps proliferate all over social networks and become kind of cheesy with the time being, African dawns and dusks are something that you will rarely...
Omo Valley

Omo Valley

Seeking to wander off the beaten path, I was about to enter the Omo Valley on a sunny day of December 2018… But let’s backtrack a little to explain the initial context. After roughly two weeks roaming around the Oromia Region (click here for some pics),...
Ethiopia MkII (2018)

Ethiopia MkII (2018)

I can hear the Ethiopian sirens echoing in the distance. Tunes of Ethio-Jazz are getting more and more insistent. The second part of my Love story with Africa is about to start again… “Africa is difficult because nothing is never certain. But yet the beauty is...